Perl 6 is still in the works. It will be a while before it is officially released. But here's some of the proposed functions.
say Perl6::Say
print "Hello, World!\n";
This sends some text and a new line feed to standard output. You may forget to add the new line feed and it gets tiresome to keep having to put the "\n" at the end everytime.
Instead, you can just say "Hello, World!"; and be done. Its pretty simple. The module is very small.
slurp Perl6::Slurp
Slurp opens a file and returns its contents to a variable. $myFile = slurp "file1.txt";
io() IO::All
Get standard input: $line < io('-');
Multiple lines can be assigned to $line.
Write a line to a file: $line > io("file1.txt");
Use > to write (or clobber) a file or >> to append. Use < to Read.
Get line 10 from a file: $line = io('file1.txt')->[9];