Formatting text with Bold, Italics, Underline, strike, s, ins, and del.

Plain text can be made Bold or Italic using <b></b> and <i></i>

You can also Underline, Strike, or s using <u></u>, <strike></strike>, or <s></s>.

There's two relatively new tags, ins and del. These are used to show what's been added or removed in an article. They look the same as underline and strike. Here's how you do it.
ins using <ins></ins>
del using <del></del>

You can format text using any combination. Here's a mix of bold, italic, and underline.

Here's the code:

Here are the results:


Superscripts and Subscripts

Superscripts® and subscripts3 can be done with <sup></sup> and <sub></sub>

Different fonts, sizes, and colors.

To set font attributes use the <font ...></font> tag. You can choose a font with the face attribute. For example you can set it to Arial like this: <font face="Arial">this is Arial</font> which will show up like this.

Now, if you're using a font you think is not on all systems, you can choose more than one font. <font face="Arial, Roman"> text </font>. Arial is the first font. If Arial is not available, Roman will be the next font.

You can change font sizes with the size attribute. <font size="3">. If no value is specified, then size 3 will be used. Sizes range from 1 to 7. It can also be relative to your current font, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, and +6.

Font color can be set with the color attribute. The most basic way is to set it to common colors like red and blue. <font color="red">red text</font>. You can choose yellow, blue, purple, red, white, green, silver, lime, gray, olive, teal, fuchsia, aqua, maroon, navy, and black.

That's really limited. If you want to be able to use any of your 16 Million colors you need this format: <font color="#f2df2a">32Bit color</font>. The numbers can be broken up into three parts, red, green, and blue. That is color="#ffffff". Each color is represented by a hexadecimal number ranging from 00 to ff. Hexadecimal numbers run from 0 to F (00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F). After 0F is 1F.

Here's the code:

Here are the results:
Face is Comic Sans MS
Face is Courier
size is 2
size is 5
size is -2
size is +3
color is red
color is blue
color is #f00000
color is #00ffff
color is #00ff00



Here's the code:

Here are the results:
your results here



Here's the code:

Here are the results:
your results here



Here's the code:

Here are the results:
your results here



Here's the code:

Here are the results:
your results here



Here's the code:

Here are the results:
your results here